I had a damaged tooth from my childhood. Nothing was ever done to it and it has grown darker over the years. My dentist tried to fix it with some bonding, but it didn’t work. She’s not sure if a veneer will fix it, because the tooth is weak. Can you think of anything she can do that we haven’t thought of? A friend of mine in your area told me you’re really good with making teeth look better
Lisa Anne- Kentucky
Lisa Anne,
It sounds like you have a dentist that really cares about you. I also think she is a very honest dentist or she would have just kept trying things she didn’t have a lot of experience in. I will tell you that your situation can be fixed, but it needs to be done by someone who is an expert cosmetic dentist. Your dentist won’t be able to do the procedure properly. What that means is you should continue going to your dentist for all the procedures she is trained to do, but for cosmetic procedures you need to see an expert cosmetic dentist.
Now your problem becomes where to find an expert cosmetic dentist. There are a couple of ways I can recommend. First, you can go on the website for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) to see who is accredited with them in your area. There is a difference between membership and accreditation. However, very few dentists reach that level of expertise.
If you can’t find someone in your area through that avenue, go to the mynewsmile.com website. They recommend highly skilled cosmetic dentists in each state. You’ll be is safe hands with anyone recommended on their site.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.