I’ve been going to the doctor for headaches. He’s tried several things, but I’ve gotten no permanent relief. He’s finally decided it’s not medical and is sending me to a dentist. Is this just his way of blowing me off, or can dentists really do something about headaches?
Kitty B. – Orlando, FL
Your doctor may be frustrated, but he might actually have pinpointed the problem. There is a condition called TMJ that is known to cause persistant headaches and migraines–especially in the mornings.
I would go see a TMJ dentist and let him or her evaluate you. They’ll be able to tell you if that is what is causing your headaches. I’m assuming that your doctor has already done a CT scan as well?
If the cause is TMJ, it can sometimes be treated with something as simple as an oral appliance.
This blog is brought to you Grosse Pointe Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.