I’ve had jaw pain and severe migraines for months. My doctor did everything he could. As a last resort, he sent me to a dentist. The dentist told me I had TMJ and said that I need a full mouth reconstruction. I’m a little jumpy at the idea. My teeth are fine. It seems weird to do a full-mouth reconstruction. I have a friend in your neck of the woods who says you’re one of the best with TMJ. Is that what you’d recommend?
Bess – Arkansas
I’m glad you wrote. Full-mouth reconstruction is usually a last result except for the most severe cases. Generally, you try other less invasive TMJ treatments first. What your dentist is recommending is done when all else has failed.
Your doctor was right to recommend you to a dentist. My suggestion is to get a second opinion. You want a dentist, who like Dr. Hadgis, has significant TMJ training.
Look for someone who has gotten training at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI). I have confidence that they’re diagnosis and suggested course of action will be trustworthy.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Theodore Hadgis.