My daughter is about to graduate and wants to be an actress. I’m not too thrilled, but she has to live her own life. We’ve made a deal. She gets four years to try and make it work. If there is no significant chance at success by then, she’ll go to college. I want to give her the best chance at success, because it is her dream and I want to help her achieve it. I think she’s going to need porcelain veneers. Her teeth are below average, which won’t cut it in Hollywood. I think I’ll get her a complete set as a graduation present. What would be the best brand?
Amanda P. – New Mexico
You are very supportive of your children’s dreams, which is too be commended. I like that you’re working with her and not against her as she embarks on such a difficult passion to make a living with.
You’ve got the right idea that she’ll want the best porcelain veneers, but you want to go about finding those a different way. Most brands of porcelain veneers are great. What makes them spectacular is the skill and artistry of the dentist.
So the better question to ask is how do you find the best dentist to do her porcelain veneers. What many people don’t know is that there is not a recognized specialty in cosmetic dentistry, even though it takes specialized training to do well. Any general dentist that does any form of cosmetic dentistry can call themselves a cosmetic dentist.
There is one surefire way to make sure you’ve got an artistic and skilled dentist. I would look for someone who is accredited with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). Be sure they’re accredited and not just a memeber. Any dentist can become a member, but accreditation takes serious qualifications and ability.
It’s worth it to drive to a nearby town or even a neighboring state to find one. They’re in the top 1-3% of cosmetic dentists.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.