I have an autistic son. He absolutely cannot stand to be touched. He doesn’t even let me touch him. Recently he pointed to his mouth and told me it hurt. He opened up to let me take a look (without touching). There seems to be a pretty substantial cavity in the back. I know he needs to see a dentist, but I know he won’t be able to handle it. What do you recommend?
Leslie M. – Pennsylvania
You’re in a difficult spot, but there is a solution. What you absolutely do not want to do is put off treatment. This will abcess. The infection will spread. It can even spread to his brain.
You can either see a pediatric dentist or a general dentist who enjoys treating children. Either one can help you. They will likely recommend a form of sedation dentistry.
If you use oral conscious sedation, your son will simply take a pill before his appointment and be completely relaxed throughout the entire procedure. He’ll be loopy and likely won’t remember anything, but he’ll get through the appointment.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.