I was at my dentist for a regular checkup. He told me my bite was off and wants to crown every tooth. I know I needed some fillings after my braces were taken off, but a crown on every tooth seems extreme. Plus, my braces have only been gone for a few years. How off could my bite really be?
Dear Amanda,

In extreme TMJ cases a full-mouth recontruction is necessary
Something seems fishy to me here. Crowning every tooth is called a full-mouth reconstruction. There are times when a full-mouth reconstruction is necessary, but that is generally reserved for extreme cases of TMJ Disorder. I don’t think that’s what you have. How can I say that without examining you?
Your dentist gave no specifics and said your bite is “off”? What does that mean? Everyone’s bite is off to one degree or another. That doesn’t mean they have severe problems or even any problems. If your bite was off enough to require such a drastic treatment, the complaint would come from the patient, not the dentist.
I’m going to recommend you get a second opinion from a dentist who’s invested a lot of time and training for TMJ Disorder. Look for a dentist who has studied at the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies or the Pankey Institute. These institutions are well known for their TMJ training.
If Your Bite Does Require a Full-Mouth Reconstruction
Let’s say the second opinion dentist tells you your dentist was right and does need this invasive of a treatment. In that case, I want you to look for two qualifications in the dentist who actually performs the procedure. The first, we’ve already discussed. They need significant TMJ training.
However, getting the bite correct isn’t enough. Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. You’ll want your first impression to be one of a beautiful smile. Because of that, it will require an artistic cosmetic dentist. Ideally, you’ll want a dentist who is accredited by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. AACD accredited dentists are the best cosmetic dentists in the country and can make you a stunning smile.
Though it’s a tall order to find a dentist with both of those qualifications, I wouldn’t settle for anything less if you really do need to get a dental crown on every tooth.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.