I have these dark spots on my teeth that I got when I was a child. My mom said it happened during an illness in my childhood. I’ve always been embarrassed by my spots. My dentist has been trying to help me with them. We’ve tried every kind of over the counter whitening product you can imagine. It makes the dark spots look darker because it only whitens the spots around it. We can’t decide whether to try professional whitening first, or try to sand down the dark spots. What do you think?
Carrie H. – Mississippi
Your dentist doesn’t understand teeth whitening and she could do serious damage to your teeth. Professional teeth whitening will do the same thing the over-the-counter whitening products do as well, only better. That means the areas surrounding your spots will be really white. Your brown spots will still be brown.
The best thing you can do is to get porcelain veneers placed over the teeth. However, this is not something you want just any dentist doing. If your dentist doesn’t understand teeth whitening, I sincerely doubt they will have the expertise you need for the porcelain veneers to turn out attractive.
I suggest you look for someone in your area who is accredited with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). Accreditation is different from just being a member. Any dentist can become a member. To get accredited, they have to pass a stingent exam, as well as demonstrate the skill and artistry they have on several cosmetic cases.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.