I am terrified of going back to the dentist but know I need to. I had my first tooth infection. I went in to get the root canal treatment and was a bit nervous already. Then the dentist just couldn’t get me numb. He tried six times. By then, I was a mess of tears. He wrote me a prescription pain killer as well as an antibiotic and told me we’d try again in a week. It’s almost time again and I’m not sure I can go through with this. Have you seen this happen before? Is there anything that can help?
Dear Marci,
I am pretty sure I know what happened here. It is something not many dentists have been educated about so I am not surprised that your dentist wasn’t sure what to do, even though there has been at least one journal article on the topic. It is interesting to me that you said you were a bit nervous to start. When you have dental anxiety, it has the unfortunate effect of burning off your numbing medication. It’s a vicious circle because you end up in more afraid after that experience, which in turn makes it harder for you to get numb. Fortunately, there is a way to stop the cycle.
The Solution to Dental Anxiety
Depending on what your dentist has available, you may have to switch dentists for your root canal treatment. You need a dentist who offers dental sedation options. In your case, I am going to recommend oral conscious sedation. This will allow you to sleep through your appointment completely pain-free. You won’t have to sleep if you do not want to, but you will have no anxiety and will feel no pain. It is quite strong so you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment.
I am sorry you had this experience. Using this additional tool will change this to a positive experience for you.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.