I have two dental veneers and one dental crown. They’re all showing their age and my teeth are not very white, so my dentist suggested we do crowns on all the upper and lower teeth in order to get the whole smile to look the same instead of piecemeal. Is it okay to just do crowns on the teeth that need them or does everything have to be done in order for them all to look white and match?
Dear Amanda,

It takes a skilled cosmetic dentist to create a beautiful smile.
Please don’t let this dentist anywhere near your mouth. Crowning all your upper and lower teeth is called a full-mouth reconstruction. It is one of the most advanced cases any dentist can do. When not done properly, it can destroy your bite and lead to a lifetime of pain.
This type of procedure is usually done as a last resort for people who have worn down their teeth to nubs or have serious TMJ problems. Even if this was you, I would not suggest this dentist as the one to do it. You would need a dentist who has extensive post-doctoral training in restorative dentistry. I have serious doubts that he has this.
Also, if I understand you correctly, his justification for this is that your teeth need to be whiter and match? This can be done without taking such drastic measures that both grind down your healthy tooth structure and put you at great risk to the health and function of your bite.
How to Get the Smile You Want
I am going to tell you upfront that you are going to need to see a different dentist in order to get a beautiful natural-looking smile. If your dentist needs to cover all your teeth in order to make them match, then he is not a skilled cosmetic dentist. You will be much better served elsewhere.
My suggestion is you find a dentist who is AACD accredited. These are the best cosmetic dentists in the country with proven skill and artistry. Any one of them can give you a stunning smile. I can tell you what they will likely recommend.
First, you will want to whiten your teeth. This will improve the youthful look and color of the teeth that do not need work. Then, the two teeth that have the veneers can be replaced with porcelain veneers. There is no reason to crown those teeth and reduce their structure. The tooth that already has a dental crown will have to be replaced with a crown.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.