I have serious problems with my teeth. I have two missing bicuspids and an underbite. Will Invisalign be a possibility with my missing teeth? Do I need to get false teeth for the empty spots?
Dear Callie,

Invisalign Aligner
Yes, Invisalign does a good job working around missing teeth. The bigger factor may be your underbite. You didn’t mention if you were planning on an orthodontist or a general dentist. You will find that orthodontists are more hesitant when it comes to using Invisalign. This is because they are trained in the traditional method of metal wires and brackets. That is understandable. We all prefer to work in our comfort zone. In cases of severe crowding, you will find some dentists hesitate to take on the case. Because of the complication of the underbite, I suggest you see a general dentist trained in Invisalign. In fact, see two or three to get a variety of opinions on your case and go with the one you are most comfortable working with.
As for replacing the bicuspids with dental implants, I don’t think that will be necessary. The teeth will likely be moved in a way that negates the need to fill in the spaces. This is not the case with all missing teeth, but in the case of bicuspids, when you have your other teeth, it should not be an issue.
Invisalign can also move your upper teeth out, which will help even more with your appearance. Additionally, you will find that the aligners can double as teeth whitening trays. Because of that, you can ask your dentist for some whitening gel to wear in the aligners each day and sneak in some teeth whitening at the same time.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Patel.