I saw this YouTube video where these brothers messed with their sister. The clip said that she just had her wisdom teeth pulled and that she was leaving the sedation dentist when they pranked her. They went all out and had a fake radio announcement saying that zombies were coming and they had the girl really freaked out. I’m supposed to see the sedation dentist next month to have my wisdom teeth pulled, too. I’m a little worried my brothers might mess with me, too. Does this stuff really happen? Is that how everyone acts when they leave the sedation dentist?
Dear Em,
Those brothers put some serious planning into their prank, but it’s pretty clear they knew their mark very well. That is not standard behavior after a visit to the sedation dentist. No offense to the girl in the video, but she is probably a very trusting person the rest of the time as well, which made it really easy for her brothers to pull one over on her.
When people visit the sedation dentist, they tend not to care about what’s happening around them. The medications make you very complacent and relaxed, but they don’t make you do things that are abnormal for you. If you’re on medications, a normal reaction to being told zombies are coming would probably be a shrug and maybe an “Ok. That’s nice.” A lot of people get very sleepy as well, so they’re more likely to snooze through a real zombie apocalypse than they are to believe that fake one is occurring.
With all this said, if you have concerns about people giving you a hard time while you’re recovering, talk to your folks about it in advance. You are entitled to some quiet time after extractions and you’ll want to sleep off the medications. You should have a responsible adult with you all day, or at least in the same house, and you shouldn’t be getting up and being active. Your sedation dentist will go over all the instructions with you and your parents in advance, but you shouldn’t worry about winding up on YouTube. It’ll be a good day to cuddle up in bed and watch movies, though you might want to lay off the zombie flicks or you could have some odd dreams.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Theodore Hadgis.