I’ve been having some significant pain in my jaw. I’ve done some research online (I know, don’t groan) and it looks like I have TMJ Disorder. From what I can tell, my choices for healing are jaw surgery or complete bite reconstruction. If I went to the doctor and it turns out I have TMJ can he force me to get surgery? I’m only 25 and don’t think I want that. I just want some medicine to help with the pain.
Dear Madison,
I’m sorry you’re having jaw pain. Before anything else, I want to make sure you understand that while other countries, with national health care plans, can force you to have certain treatments or deny them if they so choose, we live in a country where a doctor can’t force you to get a certain procedure done without your consent. That would be illegal. You are a sentient human being with control over your body. Don’t be afraid to see a dentist to have your jaw pain examined.
Next, I want to assure you that there are many solutions to TMJ disorder. You’ve named the two most invasive. Let me assure you there are many other simple solutions to TMJ. The key is going to a dentist with the right TMJ training who can properly diagnose and treat you.
Finding a TMJ Dentist
There isn’t such a thing as a TMJ specialty. While some dentists call themselves TMJ Specialists, they should make it clear it’s not a recognized specialty from the American Dental Association. They really just mean that they’ve made additional effort to train and treat TMJ. So how do you know who is qualified?
Taking a look at Dr. Hadgis’ TMJ Specialist page should give you an idea of what type of training you want in a dentist who treats you for TMJ. This will protect you from some disastrous treatments. In many cases, TMJ can be treated simply. After you Google some TMJ dentists, check their training credentials against Dr. Hadgis’. If they don’t list any, don’t hesitate to call their office and ask. If they have a problem with the question, they’re not the practice for you.
If their training checks out, I’d go one step further and give a peek to their reviews. You want to make sure there treatment protocol is effective and they’re good with patients.
If it’s a TMJ Worst Case Scenario
If for some reason you do need a full mouth reconstruction, which should only be resorted to after all other less-invasive treatments have been exhausted, you want to make sure your dentist has an additional skill. On top of the reconstructive skill necessary to do such an advanced procedure, you also want to make sure they’re a skilled, artistic cosmetic dentist. These are usually done with porcelain crowns. You want your smile to be beautiful.
Ideally, you’ll want a dentist who’s reached accreditation level with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. AACD accredited dentists are the top cosmetic dentists in the world. It would be worth it to drive to another city to get one. If you can’t find one in a reasonable distance, check with the mynewsmile.com website. They have a “find a cosmetic dentist” link. You input your zip code and how far you’re willing to travel and they’ll recommend artistic cosmetic dentists that can give you a beautiful smile. In fact, all of them should have some form of a beautiful smile guarantee.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Theodore Hadgis.