I’m looking at some type of help with my anxiety and dental appointments. I know what nitrous oxide does, but don’t think that will be enough in my particular situation. I’ve also read about sleep dentistry and sedation. What are some of the differences? Is one more effective than the other?
Dear Cassidy,

Sedation dentistry can refer to one of several different types of dental sedation, such as the Nitrous Oxide you mentioned above. Another specific type of sedation is Oral Conscious Sedation. This is sometimes dubbed sleep dentistry.
It is designed for patients just like you who need something stronger than nitrous. You will have a consultation with your dentist ahead of time. It’s important you bring all your medication to this appointment, even over-the-counter medication.
This is so your dentist knows what you are taking and doesn’t give you a sedation medication that will interfere with any of your current medications.
What to Expect with Sleep Dentistry
You’ll take a simple pill before your appointment. However, you’ll be so relaxed and drowsy you will need someone to drive you to and from your dental appointment.
You will likely sleep through your appointment, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. When it’s over, your ride will drive you home. They’ll need to stay with you for at least a few hours after your appointment until the medicine wears off and you are more lucid and steady on your feet.
You can set up a little comfy area on your couch or bed and binge watch some of your favorite programs or just take an extended nap. Then, you’ll be good as new.
An additional benefit to this type of sedation is the amount of work your dentist is able to get done in each appointment. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, you may need more work than usual. This will allow you to consolidate your appointments., saving you time and money.
I hope this helps with your decision.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.