Please tell me, as we’re going into the year 2020 that we can now stop snoring. My husband is incessant. We’ve tried the Breathe Right Strips, but that didn’t work. I need sleep!
Dear Tara,
Breathe Right strips are more useful for opening a nasal passage just a bit. Unfortunately, most snoring is not caused by that. Instead, it is a byproduct of obstructive sleep apnea.
It is very likely when your husband lays down to sleep, the muscles in the back of his throat relax, partially blocking the airway. This causes the vibrations that lead to snoring. With some people, the muscles can completely block the airway which stops their breathing momentarily. Fortunately, their brain recognizes they have stopped breathing and wakes them up just enough for them to make a sound or startle. This clears the passage, allowing them to breathe again.
This can happen hundreds of times throughout the night without them realizing it. They wake up, after a full night’s sleep, completely exhausted. This also puts them at an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Your husband should be very glad you wrote.
The Solution to Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Have him see a dentist who treats sleep apnea. A simple internet search should pull one up. They can fit him with an orthotic device. This is custom-fitted to his bite so it is very comfortable. The dentist sets it to gently adjust his bite while he sleeps, opening up his breathing passage to where it is completely clear.
No more snoring. No more trouble breathing while he sleeps. And, a peaceful night’s rest for you.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.