I’m supposed to get my wisdom teeth pulled, but I’m terrified of the pain. My dentist said he’d give me oral conscious sedation. I’m a little afraid because I’ll still be conscious. I do not do well with pain. Will it be adequate?
Helen H. – Michigan
Though you’ll have all your reflexes and things, you’ll be in such a calm, dreamy state that you won’t even care your conscious. Most people don’t even remember the appointment and it is pain free.
However, if you’re still concerned, some sedation dentists do an even deeper level called IV sedation. This requires some special training, so not all sedation dentists do it.
Whichever you decide on, you’ll be comfortable. Just remember, you’ll need a ride to and from the dental office. You’ll be in no fit state to do any driving.
This blog is brought to you by Grosse Pointe Woods Dentist Dr. Theodore Hadgis.